

We currently service the following counties: Wake, Cumberland, Durham, Johnston, Harnett, Lee, Moore, Hoke, Richmond, Haywood and Jackson.

Physical Therapy (PT) works on improving a child’s muscle strength/ flexibility, coordination and balance. If your child is NOT rolling, sitting up, holding head in midline, tolerating tummy time, crawling or walking on time he/she may need physical therapy.

Occupational Therapy (OT)works on improving a child’s muscle strength-especially in the upper extremity, muscle coordination/bilateral upper extremity use, sensory issues (seeks sensory input or does not like to be touched/sensitive), handwriting, dressing and feeding. If your child is NOT manipulating or holding toys, using both upper extremities, dressing, feeding or writing on time he/she may need occupational therapy.

Speech Therapy (SLT) works on improving a child’s speech sounds, ability to communicate and understand speech. If your child is NOT making age appropriate sounds, speaking clearly, understanding speech, feeding on time or if your child stutters he/she may need speech therapy.


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding the services we can provide for your child. You can fax your referrals to us (Toll Free) at 1-866-475-8361 or call 910-868-6000 for information.

Move With Me Physical Therapy gladly accepts Tricare, Medicaid, Cigna, BlueCross BlueShield and MedCost insurances.

Questions about billing?
Please email our billing specialist, Carol Ann at

Questions about therapy or services we provide?
Please email Michele at or call 910-868-6000.

Copyright 2014 Move With Me Physical Therapy
